
"I think I just discovered how it feels to be completely lost" x

..... // Saturday, June 22, 2013
3:43 AM
Well, hi blogwalkers! Gotchaaa! It has been quite a while since I got my blog updated. Sorry for that. wait, what's that sorry for? Haha its mine anyway. Whatever. enough with that already. let's talk about my life. lately, things were not that smooth. i'm on sports mode. we'll be having sports day next week. as for him, I miss him tbh. its been a while too since we both meet each other. i miss you. school? not bad. I failed my account and I think its time for me to reconsider about taking accountancy. I dont feel like being an accountant. but what would I be other than that? haih still thinking about it. screw this! my friends, they're awesome. perfect. thats all for today... bye!

I tried... // Thursday, May 16, 2013
6:25 AM
Okay hi guys. So.... HAPPY TEACHERS DAY! to my mom, his mom and his father. Happy tchrs day you guys! may god bless you :) x okayy so let's get back to the story. It's about him and his other half. like seriously... blablabla. okay his other half is a guy actually. his classmates to be specific. but tbh, I feel like he's my closest competitor. mcm aku kena bersaing pulak dengan dia. haih. I tried to think "he's a guy! dorg kawan jaa. bestfriend ja" I tried... okay I tried so hard. but the way you treat him, you make me like an option. time dia tiada bru cari org. It's like , aku ni org ketiga. weird isn't it? I know. but that's what I feel. I might lie to you but I couldn't lie to myself. how I really feel. how much it hurt. you didn't call me bcs you're video calling with him. is that fair? I don't care lah kamu best friend or what. I have bestfriends too. lelaki lgi. but that's too much . TOO FREAKING MUCH! haih sabarnya sayaaa. I never tell you this bcs he's ur friend. I don't want you to think that I wanted you to choose between me and him. It's not like that. but , could you please, just for a second , consider my feelings. Dear you, org tau org ndak wajar mau jeles apa smua. cause he's ur friends. tpi terlampau bahh . org rasa ndakda beza jga bie layan dia sma layan syg. malah, lebih lgi bie lyan dia. it's not fair to make me feel like I'm only an option. It's not fair. I'm sorry. I'm not   ignoring you. I just wanted to give you space . so you'd think better. what would ur life be without me. I just wanted you to see it that way... I'm sorry. Bye.